When and how can I sign up with WARA?
Our Accra clinic in Labone is open seven days a week and there is always administrative staff on duty to assist you to sign up and once payment is made membership is immediate. Alternatively one can email our administrative staff for registration on our help address found under contacts.
Do you have any agreement with any major insurance companies?
We work with many different insurance companies and respond to many of their requests to assist them on the ground with various cases. We do not have any official contracts or agreement with any one insurance company and our primary response is always to our registered signed up members. We cannot guarantee any assistance on call through your insurance company if you or your company permanently reside in Ghana.
How will someone know I am a member with WARA in the event of me being unconscious?
We advise all our members to educate all the people they work with or play sports with about regarding their membership with WARA the key information to pass on to anyone who can call us on your behalf. For example, where to find our hotline numbers in the event of an emergency.
We advise you to place our contact number in a handy place near the telephone (or list the number in you phone) and to show your house staff where to access it–but ONLY in a time of emergency.
What if I am in a regional area with no cell phone coverage how can I contact you?
WARA cannot be responsible for the network problems or deficits but we can encourage you to invest in a satellite telephone if you know that you work or spend a lot of time in an area which is remotely located and particularly if it is in a low coverage area. Keep it in mind that our organization will be the fastest and safest to come to your assistance.
Do you provide services for an on call basis?
No, we do not.
Do I need an international insurance to become a member with WARA?
We advise and ask anyone living in Ghana, in a developing health care environment to hold a comprehensive and current international health care insurance and evacuation policy. This would guarantee that they could be repatriated to a first world facility in the event that they require it for such an intervention.
Individual and family memberships require a valid international insurance. Larger corporate clients can sign up uninsured if the organization provides us with a company guarantee of payment.
What does WARA provide for visitors to Ghana, consultants and short term visitors to the area?
WARA offers a minimum month by month membership for those in the country for short periods of time. The minimum offered is one month.
Who is covered by a family membership package?
A family package includes the nuclear family with parents and children and does not include extended family members such as Aunts, Uncles and grandparents.